Primary sources are the "raw data" of your research, and involve direct evidence. They were created during the time period under consideration or by a person involved. Examples of historical primary sources include: diaries, letters, legal documents, maps, newspapers, images, and objects.
More information is available at our page on primary vs. secondary sources.
Published primary source collections in LibrarySearch can be found by adding the following subjects to your search: diaries OR correspondence OR narratives OR sources OR speeches OR interviews OR "personal narratives".
Collection sets listed here are created by country, time period, or origin of the collection. They include digitized books and monographs, images, newspapers and periodicals, pamphlets, speeches, government documents, manuscripts, and letters and diaries.
Books, journals, newspapers, and other print materials scanned by many of the largest research libraries in the US.
Collection is full text searchable. Materials in the public domain are available for reading online. Copyrighted materials are not available in full text, but often indicate page numbers where words occur. Includes many US government documents. hathi trust
Primary sources related to history, literature, religion, law, fine arts, science, etc. of the eighteenth century.
Law reviews, U.S. and international law, treaties, Supreme Court documents, and other collections related to the law. hein online
Law Journal Library (over 2300 law, political science, criminology, and other law related journals all back to inception)
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law (American Indian Law Collection)
World Constitutions (the constitutions of every single county plus much more)
Legal Classics
U.S. Presidential Library
Religion & the Law
Women & the Law
Federal Register/CFR
U.S. Statutes at Large
U.S. Federal Legislative History Library
United States Code
U.S. Presidential Library
U.S. Attorney General and Department of Justice Collection
Treaties and Agreements
History of International Law
Foreign Relations of the United States
U.S. Supreme Court Library
Brennan Center for Justice Publications from NYU School of Law
This guide suggests primary sources that can be found online or in the library. A greater variety of sources are not online but available only at archives and special libraries. Listed below are some tools for locating relevant collections beyond Ladd Library.
A union catalog of books and other materials in libraries in the U.S. and around the world. world cat oclc firstsearch first search