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CSE Citation Style

Pot Pourri

Conference Proceedings and Papers in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

For each of the source types listed below, please refer to the 8th edition of the CSE style guide. The basic information provided below should get you started, but many situational details are provided in the style guide.

Conference Proceedings (CSE 8th;


Editor(s). Date. Title of proceedings collection. Number and name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher. Extent. Notes.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Editor(s). Title of proceedings collection. Number and name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher; Date. Extent. Notes.


Conference Papers (CSE 8th;


Author(s) of paper. Date. Title of paper. In: Editor(s). Title of proceedings collection. Number and name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher. Location. Notes.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s) of paper. Title of paper. In: Editor(s). Title of proceedings collection. Number and name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher; date. Location. Notes.

Technical Reports in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

Technical reports are book-like communications describing both completed research studies and work in progress. These reports are frequently issued by government agencies and should include sponsorship information (i.e. supporting organization and grant/contract number) as well as any report number.

The three scenarios for publishing a technical report are that it is:

  1. written and published by the the sponsoring organization.
  2. written by the performing organization and published by the sponsoring organization.
  3. written and published by the performing organization.

For more detailed information, please refer to the 8th edition of the CSE style guide. The basic information provided below should get you started, but many situational details are provided in the style guide.


Written/Published by Sponsoring Organization (CSE 8th;


Author(s). Date. Title of report. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Extent. Report number: Notes.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s). Title of report. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. Extent. Report number: Notes.


Written by Performing Organization / Published by Sponsoring Organization (CSE 8th;


Author(s) (performing organization name and address). Date. Title of report. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Extent. Report number: Contract number: Grant number: Notes.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s) (performing organization name and address). Title of report. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. Extent. Report number: Contract number: Grant number: Notes.


Written/Published by Performing Organization (CSE 8th;


Author(s). Date. Title of report. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Extent. Report number: Contract number: Grant number. Notes.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s). Title of report. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. Extent. Report number: Contract number: Grant number. Notes.


Unpublished Materials in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

For each of the source types listed below, please refer to the 8th edition of the CSE style guide. The basic information provided below should get you started, but many situational details are provided in the style guide.


Meeting Papers and Poster Sessions (CSE 8th;


Author(s). Date of conference. Title of paper/poster. Paper/poster presented at: Title of conference. Number and name of the conference; date of the conference; place of the conference.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s). Title of paper/poster. Paper/poster presented at: Title of conference. Number and name of the conference; place of the conference.


Manuscripts Other Than Journal Articles (CSE 8th;


Author(s). Date. Title of manuscript. Physical description. Notes.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s). Title of manuscript. Date. Physical description. Notes.


Personal Communications (CSE 8th;

CSE recommends that personal communications be noted within the body of the text. They should not be included in the formal bibliography. However, formal permission for including personal communications must be granted and that permission should be noted in either the Acknowledgements or a Notes section following the main text body.

Maps in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

The citation formats provided below should be applied to maps published as individual sheets (i.e. not as figures included in other documents). Note that the author of a map is called a cartographer and that is noted explicitly in the citation by following the author name with a comma, followed by a space and the word "cartographer".  Note the a description of the type of map (e.g. demographic map, topographical map, etc) is also provided.  Note also the possibility of including an optional (but very helpful) physical description of the map. The basic information provided below should get you started, but for additional information please refer to the 8th edition of the CSE style guide.


To cite maps that exist as a part of another source, please refer to the "Books" section of this guide and section of the 8th edition of the CSE style guide.


Maps (CSE 8th;


Author(s), cartographer(s). Date. Title of map [map type]. Place of publication: publisher. Physical description. Notes.


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s), cartographer(s). Title of map [map type]. Place of publication: publisher; date. Physical description. Notes.


Newspapers in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

Newspapers citations essentially use the same format as journal articles with the exceptions that newspaper names are never abbreviated, newspaper section and column number location information are included instead of volume and issue numbers. The basic information provided below should get you started, but for additional information please refer to the 8th edition of the CSE style guide.


Articles with no author indicated in the article (i.e. "unsigned articles") should not include any author information in the citation.  Do not use the word "anonymous".  Also note that for citing unsigned articles using the Name-Year style, the publication date follows the article title.


Newspaper Articles with a Known Author (CSE 8th;


Author(s). Date. Title of article. Title of newspaper (edition). Section containing article:First page of article (column number). 


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Title of article. Title of newspaper (edition). Date;Section containing article:First page of article (column number).


Newspaper Articles with an Unknown Author (CSE 8th;


Title of article. Date. Title of newspaper (edition). Section containing article:First page of article (column number).


Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Title of article. Title of newspaper (edition). Date;Section containing article:First page of article (column number).


Legal Documents in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

As is the case for most citation style guides, the citation format(s) for legal documents are left to the experts. Members of the Harvard, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania and Yale Law Reviews have published a style guide called "The Blue Book: a uniform system of citation" which deals specifically with legal material citation. The CSE style guide defers to "The Blue Book" and you can find the CBB catalog record for it here.