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Gender & Sexuality Studies

Class Presentation for RFSS 260 - Oct. 29

RFSS 260A Slides

RFSS 260B Slides

Research Resources for RFSS 260

Below is the requirements for your annotated bibliographies, with a short list of some suggested databases and places to look for each required item of information.

To complete your annotated bibliographies for RFSS 260, you will need:

  • at least two reviews from popular press

  • at least one review or discussion from a blog or internet site (e.g., posts from a discussion/debate on Twitter/X or a reviewer whose site is online only)

  • at least two scholarly articles that deal with the film, director, star

  • at least one scholarly work that discusses the social, historical, or political context of the film, director, or star

Humanities Librarian

Profile Photo
Marianne Williams
Ladd Library 131
(207) 786-8323

I am usually at the Research Desk Mon. 6-9, Tues. 1-4, and Wed. 10-1

RFSS 260 Library Items