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Gender & Sexuality Studies

Class Presentation for GSS/RFSS 211

Research Resources for GSS/RFSS 211

Where to start to look for primary sources:

To find newspaper or magazine articles:

To find secondary sources for this class, try these subject-specific databases:


Links from the presentation:

Images used in the presentation:

Oxette. Queer Comics to Watch out For. [2004-2008]. Paper, ink, 22 cm (height); [25]. OCAD University: Dorothy H. Hoover Library: Learning Zone, Toronto, Canada; Q04M; On the Shelf.

Queers Crash the Beat. Queers Imagine a Future without Police. 2019. 20 cm [height]. OCAD University: Dorothy H. Hoover Library: Learning Zone, Toronto, Canada; Q72M; On the Shelf.

Will Carpenter, and OCAD U Student Press. Hello [Birthname]. 2016. 26cm [height]. OCAD University: Dorothy H. Hoover Library: Learning Zone, Toronto, Canada; Q08L.

Pantony, Sage. Coming off of t: Transition as Cycle. 2020. Paper (fiber product); staples; ink, 21 cm [height]. OCAD University: Dorothy H. Hoover Library: Learning Zone, Toronto, Canada; Q79M; Closed Stack - Available by request.

Further reading:

Drabinski, Emily. 2013. “Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction.” The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy 83 (2): 94–111.

Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003. [permalink]

Research and Outreach Archivist

Caitlin Lampman

Reference and Outreach Archivist

Humanities Librarian

Profile Photo
Marianne Williams
Ladd Library 131
(207) 786-8323

I am usually at the Research Desk Mon. 6-9, Tues. 1-4, and Wed. 10-1