These databases or resources are specifically designed to help you find specialized information. Check to see if the date ranges and the geographical area fits within your topic.
U.S. and Canadian history journal articles. Citations with links to full text. Publication dates: 1964 to present america history and life ahl
World history (except U.S. and Canada) journal articles. Historical period: 1450 to present. Publication dates: 1954 to present.
Full text journals and magazines across disciplines. ebsco scholarly articles asc
Humanities, social sciences, and science full text journals. Recent years not included.
After consulting a reference source, you are ready to start searching for journal articles. Keep in mind that you may need to find synonyms and other keywords to search for your research. For example, if you were researching Hmong farmers in Northwest Arkansas after the Vietnam War, here are some considerations:
To access LibrarySearch+, go to the Library Homepage and select 'LibrarySearch+'. This will search a number of databases at the same time, which can be helpful in bringing up a lot of information. Use the left-hand menu to narrow down your results using the peer-review, date, subject and other limiters.
To narrow down results, select 'Scholarly and Peer-Review'. To find journal articles, select "Journal Articles" under Content Type. It can also be helpful to select different Subject headings to narrow your scope down even further.
In this search, I was able to find my first peer-reviewed article on the subject:
Vang, Chia Youyee. "Making ends meet: Hmong socioeconomic trends in the U.S." Hmong Studies Journal 13 (2012). Gale Academic OneFile (accessed November 3, 2021).