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Selected resources for the study of English literature and poetry.

Reference Materials and Books on Chaucer

Research Articles and Article Indexes on Chaucer

Subject-specific databases are designed for research in English, and house a wealth of scholarly articles, books, and resources on Chaucer. 

These databases curate a vast collection of scholarly articles, books, and materials that delve into Chaucer's life, works, and their significance within English literature. Researchers can access critical analyses, historical context, and interpretations that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of Chaucer's literary contributions, societal impact, and linguistic evolution. These platforms facilitate a deep exploration of Chaucer's themes, characters, and narrative techniques, enhancing the study of his enduring influence on the development of the English language and literary tradition.

Digital Projects on Chaucer

Numerous digital resources are available for studying Chaucer. These resources provide access to critical analyses, historical context, and interpretations, enabling researchers to delve into Chaucer's literary prowess, societal impact, and linguistic evolution. These digital platforms serve as compelling digital additions to the study of Chaucer, offering visualizations and other projects in digital humanities worth considering.