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Chicago Notes-Bibliography Citation Style

Scholarly and Professional Journal Articles

(CMS16 14.180)

Journal citations treat authors the same way that they are treated in books.

Bibliographic citations for articles accessed in electronic format should be given with either a digital object identifier (doi) or a URL. If available, the doi is preferable. Note that access dates are not required in CMS16 (14.185).

Also, for some electronic journals, page numbers are not available. In these cases, use a section heading or other locator to orient the reader (CMS16 14.174).

Full Note

Note Number. Author, "Article Title," Full Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Relevant Page(s), doi: DOI Number.

1. Eden Osucha, "Race and the Regulation of Intimacy in the Moynihan Report, the Griswold Decision, and Morrison's Paradise," American Literary History 27, no. 2 (2015): 267, doi: 10.1093/alh/ajv013.

Short Note

(CMS16 14.25)

Note Number. Shortened Author, "Shortened Article Title," Relevant Page(s).

5. Osucha, "Race and the Regulation of Intimacy," 256-57.


Author. "Article Title." Full Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Inclusive Article Page Range. doi: DOI Number.

Osucha, Eden. "Race and the Regulation of Intimacy in the Moynihan Report, the Griswold Decision, and Morrison's Paradise." American Literary History 27, no. 2 (2015): 256-84. doi: 10.1093/alh/ajv013.

Magazine Articles

(CMS16 14.199)

The main difference between a magazine citation and a journal citation is the volume information (for more: CMS 16 14.172).  Magazines do not include volume and/or issue information even if they are available.  Instead they are designated by month or season and year.  If it is unclear which to use, use the Journal Citation form.  

Bibliographic citations for articles accessed in electronic format should be given with either a digital object identifier (doi) or a URL. If available, the doi is preferable. Note that access dates are not required in CMS16 (14.185).

Full Note

Note Number. Author, "Article Title," Full Magazine Title, Month(Season) Year, Relevant Page(s).

1. Nicole Washington, "The Science of Curls," National Geographic, July 2016, 12-13.

2. Lawrence A. Williams, "City Halls and Universities Can Work Together," Nation's Cities, April 1973, 35.

Short Note

(CMS16 14.25)

Note Number. Shortened Author, "Shortened Article Title," Relevant Page(s).

4. Washington, "Science of Curls," 12.

5. Williams, "City Halls," 52.


Page numbers are optional in the bibliography, as magazine articles are often broken up over an issue.  Also, for some electronic journals, page numbers are not available. In these cases, use a section heading or other locator to orient the reader (CMS16 14.174).  

Author. "Article Title." Full Magazine Title,  Month(Season) Year, page range. doi: DOI Number.

Economist. "Doping and Hacking." July 30, 2016,

Williams, Lawrence A. "City Halls and Universities Can Work Together." Nation's Cities, April 1973, 34-52.


Williams, Lawrence A. "City Halls and Universities Can Work Together." Nation's Cities, April 1973.

Newspaper Articles

(CMS16 14.203)

Newspapers are not usually cited in the bibliography.  Newspaper footnotes are formatted similarly to those for magazines, but for large dailies, edition information may need to be included, or section numbers may need to be added to the page numbers. 

Bibliographic citations for articles accessed in electronic format can include a URL. (In the rare case that a DOI might be available, it is still preferable. Note that access dates are not required in CMS16 (14.185).

For online news sites, URLs can be truncated at the first slash.

Full Note

Note Number. Author, "Article Title," Regular Column Name, Newspaper Title, Month Day, Year, Edition. Section Relevant Page(s).

1. "Lewiston resident has 12 boxes of antique bricks," Sun Spots Sun-Journal, May 26, 1994, 6.

2. "Rat Fight Awaiting Financing," St. Petersburg Evening Independent, July 24, 1972, City final edition, 6-C.,2159905

Short Note

(CMS16 14.25)

Note Number. Shortened Author, "Shortened Article Title," Relevant Page(s).

4. Woodward and Bernstein, "$500,000 Nixon Fund," A9.

5. "Rat fight."


Bibliographic citations for newspapers are optional; however, if you are using only a few newspaper articles in your writing or if a newspaper article is particularly important to your argument, you may choose to cite it as you would a magazine.  If a headline is printed in capital letters, convert it to upper and lower case.  

Author. "Article Title." Full Newspaper Title,  Date Month, Year. URL or DOI.

Calloway, Earl. "Soprano Leontyne Price Sings a Gala Concert for Wheaton." Chicago Defender, October 14, 1989.

Luther. "Incendiary: Violent Talk Indulged in by Maine Radicals." Boston Globe, December 22, 1879.