You will find that most specific content you are looking for can be located by searching for the item title in either Ladd Library's LibrarySearch. If you are looking for a newspaper article from a recent American newspaper, Global Newsstream is also a good option.
Ladd Library provides Bates students, faculty, and staff with access to a large number of articles from newspapers, academic journals and magazines.
These articles are searchable using either the library's general Google-like search engine LibrarySearch or using one of our many discipline-specific article databases.
You can access a complete list of these from the "Databases" link on the Ladd Library homepage.
Two article databases that might be helpful to you for your FYS 567 projects are Academic Search Complete and PsycInfo.
Sometimes, instead of using a more universal search tool like LibrarySearch, or a discipline-specific article database like PsycInfo, what you really want to know is whether or not Bates has access to a specific academic journal, magazine, or newspaper.
You can find that out using the "Journals by Title" search link on the Ladd Library homepage.