Economic data by country and year, including International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), and Government Finance Statistics (GFS) databases. IMF data is also available via UKDS.Stat.
Financial and data series on US and UK Stocks, Eurostat, World Bank, and more. You must set up an academic account and then access is only to the GFDatabase listings except for the series Intraday Data supplied by Dow Jones.
Economic variables by state include 1) personal income (annual 1929-2014, quarterly; 1948q1-2015q1), 2) disposable income (annual 1948-2014), 3) gross state product (annual 1963-2014), 4) unemployment (annual 1960-2014, quarterly 1975q1-2015q3).