After quoting or referring to a source, add the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses. If you are quoting the source, add the page number after the year, separated by a colon (no space).
For example:
"Black multiplicities refers to the numerous analytical distinctions that separate Blacks" (Medford 2019:3).
For more information on in text citations:
LastName1, FirstName1 and FirstName2 LastName2. Year. "This is the Title of the Article." This is the Journal Title. Volume Number(Issue Number): First page-last page.
Rocque, Michael, Brandon C. Welsh, and Adrian Raine. 2012. "Biosocial Criminology and Modern Crime Prevention." Journal of Criminal Justice 40(4): 306-312.
LastName1, FirstName1 and FirstName2 LastName2. Year. This is the Title of the Book. Publisher city, state: Name of the Publisher.
Kane, Emily W. 2012. The Gender Trap: Parents and the Pitfalls of Raising Boys and Girls. New York: New York University Press.
Plummer-Beale, Judy, Agnieszka Serwik, and Michael Rocque. "Offender Rehabilitation and Reentry during Emerging Adulthood." Pp. 510-531 in Flourishing in Emerging Adulthood: Positive Development During the Third Decade of Life, edited by Laura M. Padilla-Walker and Larry J. Nelson. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Vasi, Ion Bogdan, Edward T. Walker, John S. Johnson and Hui Fen Tan. 2015. "'No Fracking Way!' Documentary Film, Discursive Opportunity, and Local Opposition against Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States, 2010 to 2013." American Sociological Review 80(5):934-59.