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FYS 473 - How Do You Know That?

Welcome to Ladd Library


  1. What does it mean if a book is on course reserve? How long can you check it out?
  2. How can you make an appointment with a research librarian?
  3. How do you know whether Bates has a book?
  4. How do you make requests for books and other things not at Bates?
  5. Aside from books, what other things can you check out from Ladd Library?

LibrarySearch activity

We'll explore LibrarySearch, and Bates, with this online activity.

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Social Science Librarian

Profile Photo
Christine Murray
Ladd Library 132
(207) 786-6268

I am usually at the Research Desk Mon. 10-1, Tues. 6-9, and Thurs. 1-4