ADS provides full-text searching of over 15 million astronomy, astrophysics, physics, and general science publications including arXive e-prints. ADS also provides access and pointers to electronic articles available from publishers’ websites, astronomical object information, data catalogs and data sets hosted by external archives.
This book is for the amateur astronomer who wants to know about the astrophysical nature of deep sky objects. The information is presented in a concise format and is equally valuable when used as background reading or, alternatively, at the telescope eyepiece. Coverage here is limited to approximately 500 of the most commonly observed objects in the Northern Hemisphere and - an enhancement for the Second Edition - approximately 50 of those in the Southern Hemisphere. These are visible from the southern limits of the United States as well as from the southern continents.
NASA is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that leads research in the areas of Earth science, including climate, our Sun, solar system, and the larger universe.
NASA is independent U.S. federal government agency leads research in the areas of Earth science, including climate, our Sun, solar system, and the larger universe.
ESA was created to discover more about "the Earth, its immediate space environment, our Solar System and the Universe, as well as to develop satellite-based technologies and services, and to promote European industries."
A showcase of the Seth MacFarlane Collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive created by the Library of Congress (LOC). This collection is organized in three parts: The Cosmos: Its Structure and Historical Models, Life on Other Worlds: History of the Possibility and Carl Sagan and the Tradition of Science). Collection items are from the Sagan/Druyan Archive as well as the LOC digital collection.
Covers the Sun, Solar System bodies, exoplanets, stars, and star life cycle, planetary systems origin and evolution, basics of astrobiology, our galaxy the Milky Way, other galaxies and galactic clusters, a general view of the Universe, its structure, evolution and fate, modern views and advanced models of cosmology as well as the synergy of micro- and macro physics, standard model, superstring theory, multiversity and worm holes.
Provides a broad overview of foundational topics ranging from spherical astronomy to reference systems, and celestial mechanics to astronomical photometry and spectroscopy. Mathematically rigorous, but easily accessible to advanced undergraduates.
Viewing and Imaging the Solar System: A Guide for Amateur Astronomers is for those who want to develop their ability to observe and image Solar System objects, including the planets and moons, the Sun, and comets and asteroids. This book is designed to show amateur astronomers, in a relatively light-hearted--and math-free way--how to become serious.
ADS provides full-text searching of over 15 million astronomy, astrophysics, physics, and general science publications including arXive e-prints. ADS also provides access and pointers to electronic articles available from publishers’ websites, astronomical object information, data catalogs and data sets hosted by external archives.
Sciences and social sciences journal article citations. Searchable by author affiliation and citation count. CogPrints
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
European Patent Office
Japan Patent Office
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
UK Intellectual Property Office
E-print service in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics, physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics. Not peer-reviewed.
Appearance of a paper is not intended in any way to convey tacit approval of its assumptions, methods, or conclusions by any agent (electronic, mechanical, or other). In other words, these articles are not necessarily subjected to the traditional model of "peer review."
Original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations, including descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, and astrophysical interpretation. It takes a broad view of astronomy, extending from the solar system to observational cosmology with a tradition of papers discussing dynamical processes.
Articles on subjects ranging from star and planet formation and the origin and evolution of the solar and extra-solar planetary systems, to asteroids, comets, meteoroids and near-Earth objects, including the terrestrial impact hazard and solar system - terrestrial relationships, and related topics. Coverage is concerned with the physical and chemical properties of the material constitution of these bodies, including chaotic behavior.
Invited reviews by leading experts on all areas of astronomy and astrophysics; cosmic ray physics; studies in the solar system; astrobiology; developments in laboratory or particle physics directly relevant to astronomy; instrumentation; computational or statistical methods with specific astronomical applications.
Covers the significant developments in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics, including: the sun; solar system and extrasolar planets; stars; the interstellar medium; galaxy and galaxies; active galactic nuclei; cosmology; and instrumentation and techniques, and the history of the development of new areas of research.
Sky & Telescope is the premier showcase for lively, authoritative, and well-illustrated information about the science and hobby of astronomy. The magazine also serves as a major avenue of communication between amateur and professional astronomers worldwide.
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine, Astronomy includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky-event coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and more.
Bates Physics and Astronomy Department capstone projects including honors and standard theses published from 2011 to present are discoverable electronically on SCARAB.
Honors theses earlier than 2011 can be found in the catalog under the Author "Bates College. Department of Physics and Astronomy."