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FYS 376 - Inequality, Community, Social Change: Resources

Article Indexes

Getting Started with a Topic

Compare kinds of sources


  • Who wrote the article? What do you know about their credentials?
  • What kinds of documentation/citation of evidence appear in the article?
  • How is the article structured? What kinds of headings do you see in the article?
  • What kinds of images appear in the article?
  • What kinds of quotations appear in the article?
  • What is the publication that published this article? Who do you think is its intended audience? Who might read it and why?

Ladd Library, once upon a time...

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Christine Murray
Ladd Library 132
(207) 786-6268

I am usually at the Research Desk Mon. 10-1, Tues. 6-9, and Thurs. 1-4