PROLA provides immediate access to the APS journal collection dating back to the first volume of each journal. A subscription to PROLA gives access to all journal content, except for the current year and the preceding three years.
Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) is the American Physical Society's online archive for Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, and Physical Review A–E.
E-print service in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics, physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics. Not peer-reviewed.
Appearance of a paper is not intended in any way to convey tacit approval of its assumptions, methods, or conclusions by any agent (electronic, mechanical, or other). In other words, these articles are not necessarily subjected to the traditional model of "peer review."
Provides a review of how to apply common mathematical techniques from a typical two semester calculus series to solve problems and interpret the results. Topics include derivatives, differenentials, integrals, coordinate systems, and vectors.
"Covers topics such as Newton’s laws of motion, thermodynamics and statistical physics, electrodynamics, special and general relativity, quantum mechanics and cosmology, the standard model, and quantum chromodynamics. Also includes exercises and problems distributed throughout the book." [From the publisher]
Concise coverage of fundamental concepts ranging from Galileo's and Newton's discoveries to the twentieth-century's revolutionary ideas on relativity and quantum mechanics.
Index to content from disciplines including physics, chemistry, geosciences, engineering, and acoustics published by American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publishing and AIP Member Societies.
Contains approximately 600,000 articles from more than 110 technical publications in the physical sciences. Citations and abstracts come from 18 STM publishers (AIP, APS, ASCE, ASME, SPIE, and other science and engineering societies) Users must first register, which is free. Maintained by the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
PROLA provides immediate access to the APS journal collection dating back to the first volume of each journal. A subscription to PROLA gives access to all journal content, except for the current year and the preceding three years.
Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) is the American Physical Society's online archive for Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, and Physical Review A–E.
E-print service in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics, physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics. Not peer-reviewed.
Appearance of a paper is not intended in any way to convey tacit approval of its assumptions, methods, or conclusions by any agent (electronic, mechanical, or other). In other words, these articles are not necessarily subjected to the traditional model of "peer review."
Applied Physics B covers the broad field of laser physics, linear and nonlinear optics, ultrafast phenomena, photonic devices, optical and laser materials, quantum optics, laser spectroscopy of atoms, molecules and clusters as well as the use of laser radiation in biophotonics, chemistry and biochemistry.
The Journal of Applied Physics is an influential international journal publishing full-length Articles, new or improved Methods, comprehensive Reviews, forward-looking Perspectives, and educational Tutorials.
The world’s premier physics letter journal publishing short, high quality reports of significant and notable results in the full arc of fundamental and interdisciplinary physics research [From the publisher].
The American Physical Society’s highly selective, online-only, fully open access journal which publishes key papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics.
Each Report reviews one specific, physics-related subject. These reviews are specialist in nature but contain enough introductory material to make the main points intelligible to a non-specialist.
Review articles which offer in-depth treatment of a research area, surveying recent work, and providing an introduction aimed at graduate students and nonspecialists. The journal's shorter Colloquia describe recent work of interest to all, especially work at the frontiers of physics, which may impact several different subfields [From the publisher].
Comprehensive articles on nanoscience and nanotechnology research related to the synthesis, assembly, characterization, theory, and simulation of nanostructures (nanomaterials and assemblies, nanodevices, and self-assembled structures), nanobiotechnology, nanofabrication, methods and tools for nanoscience and nanotechnology, and self- and directed-assembly. [From the publisher]
Bates Physics and Astronomy Department capstone projects including honors and standard theses published from 2011 to present are discoverable electronically on SCARAB.
Honors theses earlier than 2011 can be found in the catalog under the Author "Bates College. Department of Physics and Astronomy."