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Geographic Information Systems

Learn ArcGIS

Geographical information systems (GIS) are computer-based systems for geographical data presentation and analysis. They allow rapid development of high-quality maps, and enable sophisticated examination of spatial patterns and interrelationships.

Bates College offers software and support for using GIS. All Windows machines in Bates computer labs have ArcMap installed, and ArcGIS Online can be accessed using your Bates username and password. We are happy to assist you in using ArcGIS for research or instructional use; let us know via the GIS Consultation Request form. To learn on your own, we have options for self-paced instruction:

Books on GIS

Other ways to map

Social Science Librarian

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Christine Murray
Ladd Library 132
(207) 786-6268

I am usually at the Research Desk Mon. 10-1, Tues. 6-9, and Thurs. 1-4