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Chicago Author-Date Citation Style

Single-Authored Books

Reference list

Lastname, Firstname M. Year of Publication. Title and Subtitle of the Book. Publisher. 

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. 1991. A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812. Vintage. 

As of the 18th edition of the CMOS (2024), book citations no longer include the city of publication. However, you may still see citations that do:

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. 1991. A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812. New York: Vintage. 

In-text citation

(Lastname Year, page range)

(Ulrich 1991, 91-92)

Edited Works

Reference list

Lastname, Firstname M., ed. Year of Publication. Title and Subtitle of the Book. Publisher. 

Harward, Donald W. and Ashley P. Finley, eds. 2012 Transforming Undergraduate Education: Theory That Compels, and Practices That Succeed.  Rowman & Littlefield. 

In text citation

(Harward and Finley 2012, 10)

2+ Authors or Editors

2 to 3 Authors or Editors

Reference list

Lastname, Firstname M., Secondname M. Lastname, and Thirdname M. Lastname. Year of Publication. Title and Subtitle of the Book. Publisher. 

Alexander, Christine and Margaret Smith. 2003. The Oxford Companion to the Brontës. Oxford University Press. 

4 to 10 Authors or Editors

Reference list

Lastname, Firstname M., Secondname M. Lastname, ... and Finalname M. Lastname. Year of Publication. Title and Subtitle of the Book. Publisher. 

Kerber, Linda K., Jane Sherron De Hart, Cornelia Hughes Dayton, and Judy Tzu-Chun Wu. 2016. Women's America: Refocusing the Past​.  8th ed. Oxford University Press. 

In text citation

(Kerber et al. 2016, 54-55)

Chapters or Other Parts of a Book

Reference list

Lastname, Firstname M. Year of Publication. "Title of Section in Quotes." In Title of Book,  edited by Editorfirst Editorlast.  Publisher.

If you are only citing one section of a book:

Sellers-Young, Barbara. 2016. "Men and the Happiness Dance." In The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Ethnicity, edited by Anthony Shay and Barbara Sellers-Young. Oxford University Press.

The page range of the book section is no longer required as of the 18th edition, but you may see some citations that include it:

Sellers-Young, Barbara. 2016. "Men and the Happiness Dance." In The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Ethnicity, edited by Anthony Shay and Barbara Sellers-Young, 598-612. Oxford University Press.

If you are citing more than one section, you can either include a reference to each section, followed by the book's editors, year, and page range of book section, or simply a full citation for the book without individual chapters.


Ruyter, Nancy Lee. 2016. "La Meri: Purveyor of the Dancing Other." In Shay and Sellers-Young 2016, 438-453.

Sellers-Young, Barbara. 2016. "Men and the Happiness Dance." In Shay and Sellers-Young 2016, 598-612.

Shay, Anthony and Barbara Sellers-Young, eds. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Ethnicity. Oxford University Press.

Or more concisely:

Shay, Anthony and Barbara Sellers-Young, eds. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Ethnicity. Oxford University Press.