SciFinder n is a research tool providing access to Chemical Abstracts databases which index a wide range of international literature in chemistry and diverse scientific fields including biology, engineering, physics, geology and material sciences. Major coverage includes journal articles, patents, dissertations, conference proceedings, as well as over 30 million substance records in the CAS Registry database. SciFinder can be searched by topic, author name, or by substance name, chemical structure, reactions, formulas or CAS Registry numbers. Commercial and regulated chemical information is included in SciFinder database content. Linking to full text articles in certain journals to which the library subscribes is an added feature.
Sciences and social sciences journal article citations. Searchable by author affiliation and citation count. CogPrints
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
European Patent Office
Japan Patent Office
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
UK Intellectual Property Office
Contains more than 37 million citations and abstracts of literature in biomedicine and health fields, and related disciplines such as life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. [From the publisher] general science
veterinary medicine
health care system
preclinical sciences
It does not include full text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources.
Academic books in natural sciences, social sciences, computer programming and mathematics. Publication dates: 2008-present.
Note that almost any SpringerLink book in our catalog can be purchased as a "print on demand", grayscale copy for $24.99. This price includes shipping to anywhere within the continental United States.
J Chem Ed advances chemistry teaching and learning and chemistry education research via peer-reviewed content addressing laboratory experiments, curricula, and pedagogies.
Peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public.
You can use this online search tool to identify chapters from "Methods in Enzymology" that provide backgound information for either your technique or the biological system investigated by that technique.
You can use this online search tool to identify articles from the various "Annual Reviews" titles (including Annual Reviews of Biochemistry and Annual Reviews of Biophysical Chemistry) that provide backgound information for either your technique or the biological system investigated by that technique.