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Biology 195E - Sponge Fluid Dynamics

JEB Citation Examples

Link to a recent issue of "The Journal of Experimental Biology"

Navigate to this issue of "The Journal of Experimental Biology" and check out the bibliographies of a few research articles for examples of citations within an actual journal article.

Volume 226, Issue 17 September 2023

Things to Note About "The Journal of Experimental Biology" Citation Style

  • Author names are in bold.
  • Journal article and book chapter titles use "sentence case" capitalization (i.e. in general, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized).
  • Book and Journal titles are italicized and use "title case" capitalization (i.e. the first letters of all major words are capitalized and most minor words are lowercase).
  • Journal titles are provided with the "ISO 4 Standard Abbreviation" (e.g. J. Exp. Biol.).  You can generally find these abbreviations by searching Wikipedia for the full journal title.
  • If there are more than 10 authors, use 'et al.' after the 10th author.

Individual Citation Examples for Common Source Types

Journal article with 1 author:

Damuth, J. (1987). Interspecific allometry of population density in mammals and other animals: the independence of body mass and population energy‐use. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 31, 193-246.

Journal article with 2 authors:

Greenberg, C. H., and A. McGrane. (1996). A comparison of relative abundance and biomass of ground-dwelling arthropods under different forest management practices. For. Ecol. Manag. 89:31-41.

Journal article with more than 2 authors:

Reuman, D. C., C. Mulder, D. Raffaelli, and J. E. Cohen. (2008). Three allometric relations of population density to body mass: Theoretical integration and empirical tests In 149 Food Webs. Ecol. Lett. 11:1216-1228.

White, E. P., S. K. M. Ernest, A. J. Kerkhoff, and B. J. Enquist. (2007). Relationships between body size and abundance in ecology. Trends Ecol. Evol. 22:323-330.

Online Only (Electronic) Journal Article with more than 2 authors:

MacLean, H. J., J. G. Sørensen, T. N. Kristensen, V. Loeschcke, K. Beedholm, V. Kellermann, and J. Overgaard. (2019). Evolution and plasticity of thermal performance: An analysis of variation in thermal tolerance and fitness in 22 Drosophila Species. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B 374:20180548.

Sheldon, K. S., M. Padash, A. W. Carter, and K. E. Marshall. (2020). Different amplitudes of temperature fluctuation induce distinct transcriptomic and metabolomic responses in the dung beetle Phanaeus vindex. J. Exp. Biol. 223:jeb233239.

Book with 2 authors:

Legendre, P., and L. Legendre. (2012). Numerical Ecology. Third English edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Book chapter with more than 2 authors:

Rosenzweig, M. L., J. Donoghue, Y. M. Li, and C. Yan. (2011). 'Estimating species density'. Pages 276-288 in A. E. Magurran and B. J. McGill, editors. Biological Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Newspaper Article:

Humphries, C. (2022). Those COVID tracking charts start here, with Biobot sewage analysis that knows we're sick before we do. Globe Magazine, 4 February.


NFU. (2014). Healthy harvest. National Farmers Union," Warwickshire, UK.

PhD Dissertation:

Zhou, S. (2011). Genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. Ph.D. Dissertation. North Carolina State University, Ann Arbor.