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FYS 495 - Understanding Russia
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FYS 495 - Understanding Russia: Resources
Citing Sources
Research Strategies
Data and Statistics
Article Indexes
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (WPSA)
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Political science and international relations journal articles.
Historical Abstracts
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World history (except U.S. and Canada) journal articles. Historical coverage: 1450 to present. Publication dates: 1954 to present.
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO)
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International affairs working papers, proceedings, and policy briefs. Publication dates: 1991 to present
News sources
Global Newsstream
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New York Times, Euronews, El Pais, Deutsche welle, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, EFE World News Service
Nexis Uni
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New York Times, Agence France Presse, RIA Novosti
Comparing kinds of sources
Take a look at the following sources:
Connolly, Richard. 2015. "The Empire Strikes Back: Economic Statecraft and the Securitisation of Political Economy in Russia."
Europe-Asia Studies
68, no. 4: 750-773.
Larrabee, F. Stephen, Peter A. Wilson, and John Gordon. 2015.
The Ukrainian Crisis and European Security: Implications for the United States and U.S. Army
. Santa Monica, Calif: Rand Corporation. doi:10.7249/j.ctt15sk8s2.
. 2014. "The End of the Beginning? Having Cccupied Crimea, Russia is Stirring Up Trouble in Eastern Ukraine." March 6, 2014.
Evaluate on:
Who wrote the article? What do you know about their credentials?
What is the publication or organization that published this article? Who do you think is its intended audience? Who might read it and why?
All three discuss the annexation of Crimea in 2014. How soon after those events was your article written?
What kinds of documentation/citation of evidence appear in the article?
What kinds of images appear in the article?
What kinds of quotations appear in the article?
How is the article structured? What kinds of section headings do you see in the article?
Which fits the category of “scholarly article”?
Any of these articles could have a use. In what ways is the article you looked at useful? Why would you read one or the other?
Christine Murray
Make an Appointment
Ladd Library 132(207) 786-6268cmurray2@bates.eduI am usually at the Research Desk Mon. 10-1, Tues. 6-9, and Thurs. 1-4
African Studies
Asian Studies
Environmental Studies
Languages and Literatures
Legal Studies
U. S. History
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